The recent teacher surveys have shown a severe drop-off in teacher satisfaction.With the hope that there will be an improvement in teaching English in Vietnam, some of the Training and Education services have organized the exams for Teacher Survey lately, which causes many problems and difficulties for teachers and their jobs in schools because of unexpected results .This can be explained as follow:
-First, the language syllabus both in Universities and high schools in Vietnam focuses too much on teaching methods and English analysis instead of English skills (especially listening skill)
-Second, Most of the teachers'skills tend to be left behind because they have to teach students in different ways so that their students can do the tests well. ( Most of them, especially those who are in charge of class 12, ignored English skills .)
-Next, the knowledge and experience that teachers have got from their work at school don't help them a lot in the Teacher Survey Exams (Based on the European standard) because the exams require different tips and speed in doing the test.
-Most of the English teachers aren't ready for taking the test because they don't have time to prepare for it.