In this thread I will explain how to make main page using html file via File Manager.
Also, I will include instruction how to modify the given HTML for your own needs. # If you are running Windows, start Notepad. (If you are on a Mac, start SimpleText)
1. Head, it will include title. Code for it:
Your Site Name.
2. Body, the one colour background. Code for it:
3. Body, the image background. Code for it: # The content depends on owners needs: Header, images, links, buttons, image links etc.
1. Header, if needed, it will be tittle in page. Code:
( till )
2. The main image, if needed, the one in the middle. Code:
3. Buttons or link-able images. Code:
4. Flash Intro - Visit this uCoz thread. (Or 'Search' yourself)
Quote (Example: How it would look in your Note-Pad.)
<title>Your Site Name</title>
<body style="background:#252525;">
<center><img src="--Image--Link--" border="0"></center>
<td align="center"><a href="--Site--Link--"><img src="--Image--Link--" border="0"></a></td>
<td align="center"><a href="--Site--Link--"><img src="--Image--Link--" border="0"></a></td>
<small>Copyright Armaros © 2008.</small>
After all code is done, you must save file as html.
1. Click File -> Save As... -> Write 'Title.html' -> Ok.
2. Go to: CP -> Page Editor -> File Manager -> Upload the html file.
3. Take link & go to: CP -> Page Editor -> Pages management.
4. Edit 'Main Page' & remove all content you see it in. Delete.
5. Place code bellow as 'Main Page' content. It's for different browsers.
* {display:none;}
6. Place code bellow under previous steps code. It's redirection.
<script language=javascript><!--
window.location= "SITE URL";
# 7. In 'SITE URL' place url which is for your html created page. # Avoid getting redirect to the new page after clicking on the 'Main Page'.
1. Go to: CP -> Page Editor -> Add new page.
2. Subject 'Main Page' & paste (bellow given) code as page's content:
<?if($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)?><div style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:3px;">[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$">Add news entry</a> ]</div><?endif?>$LAST_NEWS$
3. Take url of this new page & go to: CP -> Site Menu Builder.
4. Edit 'Main Page' & replace url field with new url. (the url you took from previous step)
5. After you replaced Main Page's url, replace link also in your HTML page.